Become certified as a Highly Sensitive Child Practitioner

A Highly Sensitive Child Practitioner training that certifies professionals to empower Highly Sensitive Children through an integrative program, so the children they work with can thrive to their full potential.

If you’re a professional coach, mentor, educator, therapist or leader working with children, you will have noticed there are certain children who struggle more with overwhelm, anxiety and also appear to be more intuitive, empathetic and sensitive to the world around them. These children are likely to be Highly Sensitive, in fact, research shows up to 1 in 5 children are HS.

It can be challenging to know how best to support these children, and there is a need to approach their social-emotional well-being in a slightly different way. These children often feel misunderstood, which unfortunately can lead to further setbacks with their self-esteem and confidence.

As a Highly Sensitive Person, I also remember the struggles I experienced as a child; I felt misunderstood by others, cried easily and found it difficult to express my voice. I also had difficulties paying attention at school because I was so busy processing my internal and external world!

Before becoming a transpersonal coach and trainer, I spent 14 years working in education as a teacher - with an emphasis on supporting the social-emotional well-being of children. I learned just how important it is to recognise the unique qualities of HSC and support them with their emotional development, identity, self-esteem and connection to a deeper purpose.

As a coach, trainer and educator, I have developed an integrative framework and program encompassing the key skills and domains we need to empower HSC. The framework is based on empowering HSC with skills and resources to navigate their unique struggles and cultivate their strengths.

It’s my experience that, as professionals, when we are equipped with the right skills, we can really empower hsc to navigate their challenges and step into their gifts so they can thrive. Research shows us that HSC respond better to positive intervention than other children. So, although they might struggle more when they are in challenging environments, with the right support, they can go on to thrive!

Being able to support HSC through these practices can help them achieve better academic outcomes, better relationships with their peers, improved emotional health and well-being, and more likely to thrive later in life. It is also crucial that we educate ourselves so that we can become advocates for these children and share this awareness with others.

When we lack awareness of Highly Sensitivity in Children, we are leaving these children behind. - we are less likely to know how to support and empower these children in the way they need. Whether it’s in education, tutoring, or coaching/mentoring context - it’s crucial that we understand the unique way these children perceive and process the world.

Scholarships Available

A limited number of reduced fee scholarships are available - apply here:Apply Now

Who is it for?

The course is for:

  • Teachers and educators who want to support the social-emotional wellbeing of Highly Sensitive Children inside and outside the classroom.

  • Professionals who coach or mentor young people in schools or other settings.

  • Mentors or coaches who coach young people in private practice.

  • Tutors who work with young people in schools or in their private practice.

  • Parents who are interested in exploring ways to support their Highly Sensitive Child, and parents who home-school.

  • Leaders and guides who offer workshops, clubs or activities for young people.

Online 9th February – 4th May 2023

Get the Early Bird (20% Discount) by enrolling before 16th November (2022). Simply enter the code 'HSH20'

Why Join the Course?

The rates of depression, anxiety and mental health struggles are continuing to increase in young people. Without a doubt, many of the young people that are struggling with their mental health are Highly Sensitive Children.  

If you’re a professional that works with young people, this training will enable you to support the social-emotional learning and well-being of Highly Sensitive Children through a practical and integrative framework that you can apply to your professional work.

This course will give you the knowledge and skills needed to be an advocate for Highly Sensitive Children and will prepare you to educate others about HSP/HSC. It offers a framework as well as practical tools and resources you can use with Highly Sensitive Children in a professional setting.

Empowering Highly Sensitive Children

Download this free Introductory Guide and Brochure about the Integrative Framework & Professional Training for Empowering Highly Sensitive Children

An Integrative & Holistic Framework for Empowering the Social-Emotional Well-being of Highly Sensitive Children

The framework offered in this course is about empowering children to develop more self-awareness; learn how to self-regulate; communicate their needs and understand what they’re feeling.

Developing these skills and awareness from an early age enables children to go into adulthood with the resources, awareness, and skills they need to feel empowered in themselves. As professionals, we’re also acting as role models and guides for the healthy development and well-being of HSC. We're helping children learn the tools they need to develop self-awareness and self-regulation. In this way, the work we do is also more preventative than reactive. We are working with the child's:
  • Emotions, Mindset, and Behaviour

  • Development of Healthy Relationships with others

  • Connection & Awareness to the Environment and Nature

  • Nurturing the child’s Spiritual Expression.

10 x Modules & Live Workshops (with guest experts)

Access 10 x modules of content plus live workshops on Thursdays 7pm - 8.30pm (GMT - London)

  • Workshop & Module 1 (February 9th): An Introduction to Highly Sensitive Children

    This workshop is an introduction to the Highly Sensitive Person and the Highly Sensitive Child. We'll explore the research and ways to identify HSC in a professional setting. We'll discuss the struggles and strengths of HSC.

  • Workshop & Module 2 (February 16th) An Integrative Framework for Empowering Highly Sensitive Children.

    This module is all about the integrative framework and tools we will use to empower the healthy development and well-being of Highly Sensitive children.

  • Workshop & Module 3 (23th February) : Mindful Tools and Holding Space for Highly Sensitive Children.

    We will explore a range of mindfulness techniques and tools we can use in the classroom, in 1-1 sessions, group sessions or at home with our children.

  • Workshop & Module 4 (March 2nd) : Developing Healthy Self-Esteem & Confidence in Highly Sensitive Children.

    We'll learn about empowering the HSC with a growth mindset and other coaching techniques that will help them to feel more confident in who they are. This workshop will be presented by guest expert Dr Genevieve Von Lob (see details below).

  • Workshop 5 (March 16th): The Lived Experience of Highly Sensitive Students: Essential Observations & Possible Interventions

    This workshop will be presented by Sandra Clifton, who will be sharing her research and expertise on The Lived Experience of Highly Sensitive Students. Sandra helps young people navigate their way to more confidence in the classroom, stronger relationships with peers, and better harmony at home (see details below).

  • Workshop & Module 6 (March 23rd): Healthy Communication & Boundaries

    This module is all about empowering Highly Sensitive Children to communicate their feelings and needs and we will also learn how to communicate with our Highly Sensitive Children. This week's live webinar will be presented by guest Melissa Schwartz (see details below).

  • Workshop & Module 7 (March 30th): Working with our Parts

    We will learn how to help our children identify their parts - parts which are feeling anxious, afraid, or angry. Through a series of child friendly exercises our HSC can learn how to identify what they're feeling before becoming overwhelmed.

  • Workshop & Module 8 (April 20th): Compassion & Self-Compassion

    This module shares a series of practices you can use with your children to help them culitvate greater self-compassion and help them to change their inner voice to one of compassion. We will also learn how and why our self-compassion is so important when working or parenting HSC.

  • Workshop & Module 9 (April 27th): Values and Purpose

    Purpose and values are so important to HSC. We will explore ways to help them connect with their values and think into the future - what qualities in themselves do they want to cultivate as they grow into adults? What kind of impact do they want to have on the world, and why is this so important to them?

  • Workshop & Module 10 (May 4th): Practical Application, Q & A

    This final module/week is an integration of your learning throughout the course. You will have completed a mini project (Time frame March 2nd - May 4th) that you will share with your peers on the final week/module of this course. There will also be time for Q & A.

Guest Webinars

Our guest webinars with expert speakers include:

  • Dr Genevieve Von Lob: March 2nd (7pm GMT/ 11am PST / 2pm EST)

    Confidence and Self-Esteem for HSC

    Dr Genevieve von Lob is a clinical psychologist and parenting coach based in London. After 15 years working in Britain's National Health Service, private practice in Harley Street and inside big corporations, she published her book "Happy Parent, Happy Child: A 10-step plan for a stress-free family life" with Penguin. She also authored a parenting book "Five Deep Breaths: The Power of Mindful Parenting."

  • Sanrda Clifton: March 16th (7pm GMT/11am PST/ 2pm EST)

    The Lived Experience of Highly Sensitive Students: Essential Observations & Possible Interventions

    Sandra E. Clifton is a Board Certified Educational Therapist for Gifted, Sensitive, & Twice Exceptional Students. Sandra will share a webinar on her research on The Lived Experience of Highly Sensitive Students: Essential Observations & Possible Interventions.

  • Melissa Schwartz: March 23rd (7pm GMT/ 11am PST / 2pm EST)

    Effective Communication Skills for HSC

    Effective communication is a valuable skill for all people, especially highly sensitive people. When emotions run high, we can often be reactive so it is imperative to discover our ability to slow down and be responsive. Learning how to set healthy boundaries (with others, but also within ourselves) takes time to develop. HSCs learn these skills through modeling from the adults around them. This workshop will offer dive into each of these aspects of communication and offer tools and strategies for both adults and children to become effective communicators, boundary setters and personal advocates.


Jules De Vitto

Coaching and Mentoring HSC

Jules De Vitto has a BSc in Psychology, MA in Education and MSc in Transpersonal Psychology, Consciousness and Spirituality. She is an accredited and certified Transpersonal Coach, Authentic-Self-Empowerment Facilitator, as well as an experienced educator. She works on the Alef Trust Faculty as part of the 1-year certificate in Transpersonal Coaching Psychology. Jules has over 14 years of teaching experience and has worked in schools internationally as well as in the UK. She places a strong emphasis on the holistic well-being of children; she has completed mindfulness training through Mindful Schools and has also trained In Youth Counselling. She has combined her experience in teaching, psychology and coaching to share her passion - educating adults on how to support and empower Highly Sensitive Children. She also works with Highly Sensitive adults and helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life.

Sandra Clifton

Board Certified Educational Therapist

Sanrda is a doctoral student finishing her second year of studies for Cognitive Diversity in Education at Bridges Graduate School. She has her own private, clinical practice as a Board Certified Educational Therapist and she specializes in serving gifted, sensitive, and twice-exceptional individuals through evidence-based interventions. Sandra helps young people navigate their way to more confidence in the classroom, stronger relationships with peers, and better harmony at home. Through her doctoral work, she hopes to create professional development materials for school counsellors to better identify and support HSPs in classrooms. Her ultimate goal is to prevent misdiagnosis of young people with this trait and to improve the well-being of students with SPS, both academically and emotionally, through environmental accommodations and SEL programs.

Guest Experts

The course training includes guest webinars from expert leaders and facilitators in the area of Highly Sensitivity & Highly Sensitive Children

Melissa Schwartz

Author, Speaker & Coach Specializing in Highly Sensitive Children (Guest Expert)

Melissa Schwartz was born an intense, sensitive, empathic, power seeker. She is a respected expert in the field of Highly Sensitive Children and brings clarity, personal experience and compassion for parents raising HSCs. Her intuitive ability to decode misbehavior and her passion for giving a voice to the legitimate needs of children naturally evolved into becoming the co-creator of Leading Edge Parenting and co-author of Authentic Parenting Power and Rico’s Bumpy Week. She is an internationally acclaimed author, coach and public speaker bringing new perspective based on current research and personal experience to transform the field of child development. Melissa is a Stanford University alumna and a graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. She lives with her family in Southern California and coaches parents around the world.

Genevieve Von Lob

Clinical Psychologist and Coach

Dr Genevieve von Lob is a clinical psychologist and parenting coach based in London. After 15 years working in Britain's National Health Service, private practice in Harley Street and inside big corporations, she published her book "Happy Parent, Happy Child: A 10-step plan for a stress-free family life" with Penguin. She also authored a parenting book "Five Deep Breaths: The Power of Mindful Parenting."

Genevieve now works as an independent psychologist providing one-on-one sessions to adults and young people. Genevieve specialises in working with Highly Sensitive People (HSP) and parents with Highly Sensitive Children (HSC). Genevieve hosts a thriving community called the HSP Revolution which offers events, workshops, a members-only newsletter, weekly inspiration, tips and challenges and access to a community hub for connection and discussions. Her work is inspired in part by the pioneering research of Dr Elaine Aron, who brought the term HSP into widespread use.

Workshop Speakers

Guest Experts

Bonus material

When you enrol in the course you'll also get access to...

  • Guest Speakers

    (See above)

    The live webinars will be joined by guest experts where you'll learn from the leaders in the field of Highly Sensitive Children, Parenting HSC and working with Highly Sensitive students.

  • 6-Month Listing on the HSH Directory

    Highly Sensitive Child Practitioner

    You'll be listed on the HSH Directory as a Highly Sensitive Child Practitioner - free for 6-months. If you're an independent coach or mentor working with Highly Sensitive children this is a great opportunity to reach potential HSP clients.

  • 1-1 Coaching/Mentoring Session

    Private 1-1 Session

    As part of joining the course, you'll receive a private 1-1 coaching session to help you solidify your learning and decide how you want to implement the learning from the course into your professional work.

Why Take this Course?

This course is for both experienced professionals or those brand new to working with young people. As a result of completing this course you'll:

  • Learn how to recognise Highly Sensitive Children and support them with their healthy development.

  • Receive certification as a 'Highly Sensitive Child Aware Practitioner' who has completed 36 hours of professional training.

  • Learn a holistic, integrative and transpersonal perspective for supporting the wellbeing of Highly Sensitive Children.

  • Engage in 36 hours of continuous professional development.

  • Join a community and cohort of other professionals who work with young people.

  • Explore a framework that you can use within a professioanl context or in independent practice.

  • Access to ready to use materials/ resources.


  • How many hours a week do I need to spend on the course?

    It's suggested you dedicate around 3-4 hours a week for the course content, studying the material and engaging in the mini project (totalling 40 hours by the end of the course). There are 10 live workshops which total 15 hours. Alongside this, it's recommended you spend around 10-11 hours reading/reviewing the content, then dedicate 10 hours to the mini project.

  • Who is this course for?

    This course is for professionals who work with young people in a professional context and want to learn how to support Highly Sensitive Children. It's also for parents or those who want to know how to support a Highly Sensitive Child in their life. If you work as a coach or mentor for Highly Sensitive Children, this course will also be of interest to you! All of the tools and resources you learn in the course are available for you to apply to a professional or personal context working with children.

  • What is the mini-project?

    You will be asked to complete a mini project which is related to your learning on the course. The project challenges you to find out ways to apply your learning to your professional work. For example, if you're a teacher, your project might be to put together a guide on how to support HSC in the classroom.


To promote good practice, please note that you are advised to apply the tools learned from this training within the boundaries of your professional expertise. For example, a school teacher may use the tools in the classroom. If you currently don’t work with young people and want to work with young people as an independent practitioner, you must follow safeguarding and legal requirements in your home country for working with people under +18.

Book a 1-1 Introductory Call

Find out more through a 30-minute introductory call

Pricing options

Get the early-bird discount (20%) when you enrol before November 16th, 2022. Simply enter the code 'HSH20'

Early-Bird 20% Discount

If you enroll before 16th November (2022). Simply enter the code 'HSH20'

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