Join our Directory

Are you a professional Coach, Mentor, Healer or Educator for Highly Sensitive People? Get listed on the HSH Directory and advertise your services.

Only $249 a year. Read on to check out the benefits of joining our directory.

Benefits of Joining the Directory

  • Visibility

    Stand out from the crowd and get recognised for your expertise. Make it easier for clients to find you and your unique offering by being listed as a professional on the Highly Sensitive Human Academy.

  • Write for Us

    When you join the HSH Directory you can submit articles, blog posts and share your work on the Highly Sensitive Human Blog. Write up to 1 blog post per month to be shared with our growing community.

  • Be a Guest on the Highly Sensitive Human Podcast

    As part of joining the directory, you get the opportunity to be interviewed as an expert on the Highly Sensitive Human Podcast. This gives you great exposure and visibility with over 50K listeners.